The last few days have made it clear that Italian citizens and businesses have fully committed to battle the spread of the coronavirus. This commitment has often translated into sizable donations to hospitals and medical staff, who are working around the clock in response to the current state of emergency.
Just like the State Government, which has implemented several temporary provisions, Italian businesses ought to allocate part of their production and sales targets towards the primary goal of protecting everyone's health and safety.
Particularly praiseworthy to that effect are the initiatives undertaken by Fast Spa, a company operating in the utilities (gas and water in particular), control and automation technologies market, to benefit local and neighbouring health care facilities. In difficult times like these, Fast Spa, ever active and firmly tied to the area of Scandiano, in the province of Reggio Emilia, where it is headquartered, has in fact decided to donate 10,000 Euro to support the Reggio Emilia AUSL (Local Health Unit). And that's not all of the solidarity activities undertaken by Fast Spa; the company has committed to purchase 12,000 Euro worth of medical supplies, including personal protection equipment (5,000 masks, 200 visors, gloves, and other items), and donate them to hospitals in the regions of Liguria and Tuscany, more specifically in La Spezia and Volterra, as well as to the hospital and newly built Covid-19 Centre of Scandiano. Fast Spa trusts that together we can overcome this crisis and return to normal as fast as possible by protecting our workers' health (sanitizing the facilities, working from home, staff roistering and distribution of protective equipment). Its generosity towards neighbouring communities demonstrates it proactively supports the medical staff and health care institutions that wholeheartedly and relentlessly ensure the health of our Country.